What is the improvement schedule for city parks?
A list of planned and on-going park improvements and renovations can be found on the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects website. Click here to view now.
General Park Maintenance Schedule
General park maintenance is managed by the Parks and Recreation Department
April - November: City focuses on grass cutting, trash removal, sports field preparation, and special event preparation.
December - March: City focuses on hard-surface leaf removal, snow and ice removal.
Fall and Spring: City tree planting seasons
Is there a broken amenity (i.e. broken bench, swing, sidewalk) in your park that you want fixed ASAP? These repairs are not consistently addressed by the Division of Park Maintenance — the quickest path to get it fixed is…
First, contact your councilperson. Get their contact info here.
Then, submit a 311 request online. Submit right now.
More info on how to register and submit a request is available here.
Park Improvement Schedule
Large park improvements are managed by the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects (MOCAP)
As mentioned in the post on park improvement funding, the City of Cleveland creates 3-year improvement plans for parks based on a new decision-making model meant to prioritize improvements in under-invested neighborhoods.
Read the 2023-2025 Capital Improvement Plan for information on parks next-up for improvement.
Learn more about the decision-making model used by MOCAP to select parks for renovation and improvement.
Explore the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects list of active and planned city park improvements and projects.
This park improvement schedule is based solely on the city basic bonds schedule, and does not account for private projects, community-initiated projects, or projects not managed by MOCAP.