Who we are

The Cleveland Parks & Greenspace Coalition bridges residents, industry experts, funders, political office holders and public partners to ensure accessible, beautiful, and culturally relevant greenspaces are enhancing the lives and health of all Clevelanders.

We bring together dozens of residents, organization leaders, and community stakeholders to participate in engagement opportunities on parks-related topics. We aim to empower residents and local change-makers to advocate for their neighborhood parks and greenspaces. We also work to hold elected officials and organizations accountable to advancing park access.

The Cleveland Parks and Greenspace Coalition is a trusted convener dedicated to ensuring that parks and greenspaces in Cleveland are considered critical civic infrastructure necessary for a healthy city.

Our Vision

We Believe…

  • Access to quality greenspace is a human right, not a privilege.

  • Resident ownership is vital for successful community parks.

  • Transparency in greenspace investment is mandatory.

We Envision…

A model for parks development and stewardship driven by residents and grassroots organizations that dismantles the structural racism which has historically created inequities in parks access.

We Define Equity…

As “just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. Unlocking the promise of the nation by unleashing the promise in us all.”

We center equity because not everyone has equal access to parks and greenspace, which are essential infrastructure for healthy, connected, and empowered Cleveland communities.