What parks in Cleveland are getting upgrades?
This post outlines active and recently completed park and recreation center improvement projects. You can find a map of all City of Cleveland parks and recreation centers at this link.
Find all current, planned, and complete City of Cleveland park and recreation center improvements on the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects website:
Additional Information
Map of all City of Cleveland parks and recreation centers, amenities, and improvements here
What is the improvement schedule for city parks? Read our post
How does my park get money for upgrades? Read our post
Something is broken in my city park, how do I get it fixed? Read our post
How do I get a new playground for my city park? Read our post
Helpful contacts:
Parks and Recreation Planning Manager, MOCAP: Jay Rauschenbach, jraschenbach@clevelandohio.gov
Cleveland Parks & Greenspace Coalition: ParksCoalitionCle@gmail.com